Let's Do This!

It was great to catch up with so many of you at the annual WFA Conference in San Diego last week, both new faces and old faces! Ooops did I say old? That's not what I meant, I meant faces I know, but haven't seen in a while:)

Anyways, thank you to all of you who are getting as excited as I am about the technology wave that is taking over our fairs. I look forward to working with those of you we are already whirling into action with AND those who will be drawn into the whirlwind before you know it.

Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or project ideas you are ready to roll with. I look forward to this great year in the fair industry!!

**Be sure to keep an eye on www.plascenciaprojects.com to stay posted**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to see you at WFA convention! Looking forward to hearing an update soon!
